Saline Infusion Sonography (SIS)

3D Hydroscan
Aqua scan

Saline Infusion Sonography (SIS) is a specialised ultrasound technique used to assess the uterine cavity for abnormalities. This procedure is particularly helpful in identifying issues such as endometrial polyps, fibroids, adhesions, or scar tissue that may affect menstrual health, fertility, or cause recurrent miscarriages. SIS is often recommended as part of infertility assessments or follow-up after uterine surgeries.

Scan Highlights


  • Detects abnormalities such as polyps, fibroids, adhesions, or congenital uterine anomalies
  • Assesses causes of abnormal uterine bleeding, infertility, or recurrent miscarriages
  • High diagnostic accuracy for detecting intrauterine pathologies 
  • To assess the uterine cavity for abnormalities like polyps, fibroids, or adhesions
  • No exposure to ionizing radiation
  • Not recommended for women who are pregnant or have active pelvic infections


  • Duration: Approximately 30 minutes
  • A small amount of sterile saline solution is injected into the uterus through a thin catheter inserted into the cervix.
  • Performed by a radiologist or a specialist gynaecologist
  • Optional in-person or online consultation with a GMC-registered specialist gynaecologist (additional charges may apply)
  • It's advisable to avoid sexual intercourse and use tampons for a few days for the given menstrual cycle.

The SIS scan is recommended for individuals with abnormal or irregular uterine bleeding, those experiencing recurrent miscarriages, or individuals struggling with fertility issues. It is also useful for evaluating the uterine cavity after surgeries like fibroid removal or polypectomy.


What happens during the SIS scan?

During the SIS scan, a speculum is inserted into the vagina to access the cervix. A small catheter is then gently passed through the cervix into the uterus, where saline solution is infused to expand the uterine cavity. A 3D ultrasound scan is then performed to capture detailed images of the uterine lining.

Is the SIS scan painful?

The SIS scan may cause mild discomfort, particularly during the insertion of the catheter into the cervix. However, most patients find the procedure to be manageable, with any discomfort subsiding quickly after the scan.

What are the possible after effects of the SIS scan?

After the SIS scan, you may experience mild discomfort or feel wet due to the saline used. Some patients may also have light spotting or cramping, but these symptoms typically resolve quickly. To reduce the risk of infection, prophylactic antibiotics are given, and you may be advised to rest after the procedure.

How to Prepare for the Scan?

To prepare for a scan, follow these guidelines:

  • Expect a brief medical history upon arrival
  • Please bring along any relevant reports and findings with you
  • The scan can be conducted either internally (transvaginal) or externally (abdominal), depending on the stage of pregnancy
  • You may be asked to have a full or empty bladder based on the type of scan
  • Wear loose and comfortable clothing for the ease of scan
What to Expect before and after the Scan?
  • Upon your arrival, the doctor will take a brief medical history. During the scan, they will provide detailed explanations throughout the procedure
  • The patient  will receive a detailed report of findings including images and a short video clip of the scan
  • If there is any immediate need for referral to a GP or hospital, you will receive the necessary report post-scan.
  • What do I take home?

    Post  scan you will receive:

    • A detailed scan report: A detailed report of findings would be shared for your records
    • Three black and white ultrasound pictures: Visual records of early foetus, aiding in monitoring and documenting early developmental stages
    • A short complimentary video clip of the ultrasound: Complimentary video clip of the scan with you on your registered email (coloured and extra prints available for a small charge)
    Will You Tell Me If You Find a Problem?

    Your well-being and your baby's health are our highest priorities. If any problem is identified during your scan, you will be informed by our in-house gynaecologist. With your permission, a necessary referral to a GP or hospital will be made.

    What If I Need to Cancel My Appointment?

    We take a non-refundable deposit of £25 upon booking. If you need to amend your booking, please call our team on 01753 358123, and we would be happy to assist you in changing your appointment.

    Can I Bring My Friends, Family, and Children to the Scan?

    We welcome family and friends to appointments, allowing up to four extra people (excluding yourself and your partner). However, please see our Coronavirus Preventative Measures on the main website for up-to-date information.

    Do I Need a Referral for This Scan?

    No, you do not need a referral for this scan.