Ovulation Confirmation Scan

Physiological Cycle Monitoring
Cycle Tracking Scan

At United Wellness, our Cycle Tracking and Ovulation Confirmation Package combines advanced ultrasound scans and blood tests to confirm ovulation (egg release from the ovary) during your menstrual cycle. This detailed monitoring assesses the uterus (womb lining) and ovaries during different phases of the cycle, helping determine your optimal fertility window for conception.

What Does the Package Include?

The package includes three ultrasound scans and one blood test, tailored to track ovulation at different stages of your cycle:

  1. Baseline Scan (Day 2–4 of Your Cycle):
    Evaluates the health of the uterus, its lining, and ovaries.
    Includes an antral follicle count (count of egg sacs in each ovary) and checks for any uterine or ovarian abnormalities.
  2. Mid-Cycle Scan (Before Ovulation):
    Predicts when ovulation is likely to occur by assessing the growth of the leading follicle.
  3. Post-Ovulation Scan and Blood Test (8 Days After Expected Ovulation):
    Confirms ovulation and ensures it aligns with earlier predictions.

Who Is This Package For?

You may benefit from this package if:

  1. You’re trying to conceive and want to identify your most fertile days.
  2. You have irregular periods and are unsure if you’re ovulating regularly.
  3. You have been diagnosed with PCOS and wish to conceive.
  4. Ovulation kits or LH tests are giving unclear or conflicting results.
  5. You have regular cycles but are unsure if ovulation occurs consistently.


Can I book this as a package or pay per scan and blood test?

You can opt for the full package for better value or pay individually for each scan and blood test.

What if I’m not ovulating?

If the tests reveal you’re not ovulating, we can help. With your consent, we can:

  1. Refer you to your GP for ovulation induction treatment.
  2. Offer consultation and ovulation induction treatment at United Wellness.
Do I Need a Referral for This Scan?

No, you do not need a referral for this scan.

Do I need a full bladder for the scans?

No, a full bladder is not necessary. These are internal (transvaginal) scans, which require an empty bladder for better visualization of pelvic organs.

When should I book my scans?

Our team will guide you on the exact timing for each scan based on your menstrual cycle.